April 30th 2017

Free software activities in April 2017

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):

Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users.

The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced — either maliciously or accidentally — during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised.

I have generously been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area.

This month I:

I also made the following changes to diffoscope, our recursive and content-aware diff utility used to locate and diagnose reproducibility issues:

  • New features:
    • Add support for comparing Ogg Vorbis files. (0436f9b)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Prevent a traceback when using --new-file with containers. (#861286)
    • Don't crash on invalid archives; print a useful error instead. (#833697).
    • Don't print error output from bzip2 call. (21180c4)
  • Cleanups:
    • Prevent abstraction-level violations by defining visual diff support on Presenter classes. (7b68309)
    • Show Debian packages installed in test output. (c86a9e1)


Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:

  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 882-1 for the tryton-server general application platform to fix a path suffix injection attack.
  • Issued DLA 883-1 for curl preventing a buffer read overrun vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 884-1 for collectd (a statistics collection daemon) to close a potential infinite loop vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 885-1 for the python-django web development framework patching two open redirect & XSS attack issues.
  • Issued DLA 890-1 for ming, a library to create Flash files, closing multiple heap-based buffer overflows.
  • Issued DLA 892-1 and DLA 891-1 for the libnl3/libnl Netlink protocol libraries, fixing integer overflow issues which could have allowed arbitrary code execution.


  • redis (4:4.0-rc3-1) — New upstream RC release.
  • adminer:
    • 4.3.0-2 — Fix debian/watch file.
    • 4.3.1-1 — New upstream release.
  • bfs:
    • 1.0-1 — Initial release.
    • 1.0-2 — Drop fstype tests as they rely on /etc/mtab being available. (#861471)
  • python-django:
    • 1:1.10.7-1 — New upstream security release.
    • 1:1.11-1 — New upstream stable release to experimental.

I sponsored the following uploads:

I also performed the following QA uploads:

  • gtkglext (1.2.0-7) — Correct installation location of gdkglext-config.h after "Multi-Archification" in 1.2.0-5. (#860007)

Finally, I made the following non-maintainer uploads (NMUs):

  • python-formencode (1.3.0-2) — Don't ship files in /usr/lib/python{2.7,3}/dist-packages/docs. (#860146)
  • django-assets (0.12-2) — Patch pytest plugin to check whether we are running in a Django context, otherwise we can break unrelated testsuites. (#859916)

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 155 packages: aiohttp-cors, bear, colorize, erlang-p1-xmpp, fenrir, firejail, fizmo-console, flask-ldapconn, flask-socketio, fontmanager.app, fonts-blankenburg, fortune-zh, fw4spl, fzy, gajim-antispam, gdal, getdns, gfal2, gmime, golang-github-go-macaron-captcha, golang-github-go-macaron-i18n, golang-github-gogits-chardet, golang-github-gopherjs-gopherjs, golang-github-jroimartin-gocui, golang-github-lunny-nodb, golang-github-markbates-goth, golang-github-neowaylabs-wabbit, golang-github-pkg-xattr, golang-github-siddontang-goredis, golang-github-unknwon-cae, golang-github-unknwon-i18n, golang-github-unknwon-paginater, grpc, grr-client-templates, gst-omx, hddemux, highwayhash, icedove, indexed-gzip, jawn, khal, kytos-utils, libbloom, libdrilbo, libhtml-gumbo-perl, libmonospaceif, libpsortb, libundead, llvm-toolchain-4.0, minetest-mod-homedecor, mini-buildd, mrboom, mumps, nnn, node-anymatch, node-asn1.js, node-assert-plus, node-binary-extensions, node-bn.js, node-boom, node-brfs, node-browser-resolve, node-browserify-des, node-browserify-zlib, node-cipher-base, node-console-browserify, node-constants-browserify, node-delegates, node-diffie-hellman, node-errno, node-falafel, node-hash-base, node-hash-test-vectors, node-hash.js, node-hmac-drbg, node-https-browserify, node-jsbn, node-json-loader, node-json-schema, node-loader-runner, node-miller-rabin, node-minimalistic-crypto-utils, node-p-limit, node-prr, node-sha.js, node-sntp, node-static-module, node-tapable, node-tough-cookie, node-tunein, node-umd, open-infrastructure-storage-tools, opensvc, openvas, pgaudit, php-cassandra, protracker, pygame, pypng, python-ase, python-bip32utils, python-ltfatpy, python-pyqrcode, python-rpaths, python-statistics, python-xarray, qtcharts-opensource-src, r-cran-cellranger, r-cran-lexrankr, r-cran-pwt9, r-cran-rematch, r-cran-shinyjs, r-cran-snowballc, ruby-ddplugin, ruby-google-protobuf, ruby-rack-proxy, ruby-rails-assets-underscore, rustc, sbt, sbt-launcher-interface, sbt-serialization, sbt-template-resolver, scopt, seqsero, shim-signed, sniproxy, sortedcollections, starjava-array, starjava-connect, starjava-datanode, starjava-fits, starjava-registry, starjava-table, starjava-task, starjava-topcat, starjava-ttools, starjava-util, starjava-vo, starjava-votable, switcheroo-control, systemd, tilix, tslib, tt-rss-notifier-chrome, u-boot, unittest++, vc, vim-ledger, vis, wesnoth-1.13, wolfssl, wuzz, xandikos, xtensor-python & xwallpaper.

I additionally filed 14 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against getdns, gfal2, grpc, mrboom, mumps, opensvc, python-ase, sniproxy, starjava-topcat, starjava-ttools, unittest++, wolfssl, xandikos & xtensor-python.

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