Notes on…

A Disturbance in the Force: How the Star Wars Holiday Special Happened(2023)

Dir. Directed by Jeremy Coon and Steve Kozak

Seattle International Film Festival 2023: Film #22

I'm afraid I find it extremely difficult to reason objectively about this documentary. I have no real issue with the film itself, which managed to straightforwardly convey the ever-changing personnel etc. in a genuinely amusing and engaging manner, but I have such a jaundiced view of Star Wars fandom that watching this film that, contrary to those who were in the theatre with me, was not an enjoyable experience.

This is not the place to develop these ideas in great depth, but suffice it to say that I find it distasteful at an almost visceral level that so many voluntarily offer up their enthusiasm and finite energy to a mediocre franchise that is designed to have an artificial fan base right from its outset, a fact that was explicitly reiterated and admitted in this very documentary. This is all then compounded by the fact that this broader cultural obsession is seemingly resistant to the revelation of George Lucas' charlatan nature vis-à-vis the great weaver of tales that the original films made him out to be… all famously revealed at great length in, for instance, the DVD extras of the prequel trilogy. And for all the claims that Star Wars is 'escapist'? That may indeed be so, but it simply begs a different question: escapist from what, exactly? What might a majority white male middle-class audience in the late 1970s be trying to escape from? If someone can truthfully answer that, I might grant the quasi-exculpatory label of 'escapist'.

Anyway, A Disturbance in the Force… is at its best when discussing the broader bizarre norms of 1970s television, but… Oh man, please, no more Star Wars already.

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In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.