Notes on…

Ronin (1998)

Dir. Directed by John Frankenheimer

The early part of Ronin offers many interesting opportunities for testing mettle. […] While carefully sizing up one another, the principals sustain their cagey detachment in ways that give the film a genuinely European flavor.

Janet Maslin (The New York Times)

The wonderfully dreary atmosphere Frankenheimer [c]reates is easy to slide into and roll around in. This is a world of men without women, as Hemingway called it -- of harshness and weird hours, where a guy has no reason to shave because no one's going to get that close to him anyway. That Deirdre is young and pretty only emphasizes the sexlessness of these fellows.

Mick LaSalle (SFGate)

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A briefcase with undisclosed contents – sought by Irish terrorists and the Russian mob – makes its way into criminals' hands. An Irish liaison assembles a squad of mercenaries, or 'ronin', and gives them the thorny task of recovering the case.