Notes on…

Any Given Sunday (1999)

Dir. Directed by Oliver Stone

Did a hyperactive 9-year-old edit this? It's so exhausting I can't summon the energy for a football pun for the sheer number of plotlines that the film drops and fumbles. And I needed two cortisone injections to get through the 162 minutes of this movie waiting for the dramatic 'turn' that would justify all of this bluster... yet it turned out the characters remained the same dishonest avatars from beginning to end. Anyway, if you ignore James Woods' cartoon of a venal sports doctor, it's a little unsavoury the most selfish, greedy and self-centred characters were either black or women.

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A star quarterback gets knocked out of the game and an unknown third stringer is called in to replace him. The unknown gives a stunning performance and forces the ageing coach to reevaluate his game plans and life. A new co-owner/president adds to the pressure of winning. The new owner must prove herself in a male dominated world.