Notes on…


Dir. Directed by Jerry Zucker

The film is so incredibly lightweight it's difficult to seriously criticise, but I will take it to task for being so cowardly surrounding the sexual, racial and trans dimensions to the idea of Patrick Swayse occupying Whoopi Goldberg's body in order to kiss Demi Moore. Although we the viewer see Swayze kissing Moore, I think it is safe to infer from the earlier 'spiritual occupation' scene that this is only how these characters perceive it in their mind. That is to say, if I were in the diagetic world of the film, I would surely see a Black woman first become possessed by the spirit of a cishet white male who then uses that power to make out with white woman — a woman who, it must be said, has something of the tomboy about her. Like the Jamie Lee Curtis striptease scene in True Lies (1994), I'm sure this scene confused a lot of 1990s men.

Anyway, I guess this wasn't the first or the last time the Catholic Church would accept blood money.

Fifty years after [Hattie] McDaniel won her award, Whoopi Goldberg received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, for her role in the 1991 film Ghost. Her character, Oda Mae Brown, isn’t a domestic but she is antsy and comical, matriarchal and indispensable to the white characters in ways that aren’t too dissimilar to McDaniel’s [Black mammy] characters before her.

Lynda Cowell (GirlsOnTops)

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Synopsis: After a young man is murdered, his spirit stays behind to warn his lover of impending danger, with the help of a reluctant psychic.