August 16th 2007


Brad just mentioned he'd finally adopted some of my incredibly lazy shell aliases. This is stuff like:

alias acs="apt-cache search"
alias acsh="apt-cache show"
alias acsno="apt-cache search --names-only"
alias d="du --si --max-depth=1"
alias e="gvim"
alias g="grep"
alias H="head"
alias ip="ipython"
alias L="less"
alias more="less" # (More or less.)
alias :q="exit"
alias s="sudo"
alias sagi="sudo apt-get install"
alias sagr="sudo apt-get remove"
alias sagu="sudo apt-get update"
alias se="sudo gvim"
alias sl="ls" # Crash that fscking train
alias syslog="sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog"
alias stf="sudo tail -f"
alias sv="sudo vim"
alias sx="sudo xm"
alias tf="tail -f"
alias tov="echo tov is dead. Try codd"
alias v="vim"
alias zl="zless"

I've yet to see whether he's using my favourite:

alias :w='echo \"$PWD\" "$RANDOM"L, "$RANDOM"C written'

In other news, congratulations to my brother who got his A-level results today. He'll be heading to Durham University in October. Well done, Brother John.

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