I have been extremely proud to have served as the Debian Project Leader since my election in early 2017. During this time I've learned a great deal about the inner workings of the Project as well as about myself. I have grown as a person thanks to all manner of new interactions and fresh experiences.
I believe is a privilege simply to be a Debian Developer, let alone to be selected as their representative. It was therefore an even greater honour to learn that I have been re-elected by the community for another year. I profoundly and wholeheartedly thank everyone for placing their trust in me for another term.
Being the "DPL" is a hard job. It is even difficult to even communicate exactly how and any statistics somehow fail to capture it. However, I now understand the look in previous Leaders' eyes when they congratulated me on my appointment and future candidates should not nominate themselves lightly.
Indeed, I was unsure whether I would stand for re-appointment and I might not have done had it not been for some touching and encouraging words from some close confidants. They underlined to me that a year is not a long time, further counselling that I should consider myself just getting started and only now prepared to start to take on the bigger picture.
Debian itself will always face challenges but I sincerely believe that the Project remains as healthy as ever. We are uniquely cherished and remain remarkably poised to improve the free software ecosystem as a whole. Moreover, our stellar reputation for technical excellence, stability and software freedom remains highly respected and without peer. It is truly an achievement to be proud of.
I thank everyone who had the original confidence, belief and faith in me, but I offer my further sincere and humble thanks to all those who have felt they could extend this to a second term, especially with such a high turnout. I am truly excited and looking forward to the year ahead.