WordPress plugin to render Lilypond fragments.
FigureRender is a plugin for the blog publishing system WordPress which adds the ability to render LaTeX and Lilypond figures inline with posts, pages and comments.
FigureRender has the following features:
- Configurable start and end tags
- Caching system to improve rendering performance
- Option to invert images for white-on-black WordPress themes
- Option to show render input in 'ALT' image text
LaTeX example
[math] \int_{0}^{1}\frac{x^{4}\left( 1-x\right) ^{4}}{1+x^{2}}dx = \frac{22}{7}-\pi [/math]
Lilypond example
[music] \relative { \key a \major \clef bass \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.5 a,2\p^\markup { \bold "Allegro, ma non tanto." }( e'_\markup{ \italic "dolce" }) fis2.( cis4 e4 d cis d8 b) a2( gis4) e4( a fis cis dis) e1 ~ } [/music]
Admin interface
FigureRender has been forked by Abel Cheung which is now the recommended version. Please see http://scorerender.abelcheung.org/.