January 31st 2016

Free software activities in January 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):


  • Had a talk proposal accepted (Reproducible Builds - fulfilling the original promise of free software) at FOSSASIA 16.

My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in more depth in Lunar's weekly reports (#35, #36, #37, #38, #39)


This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:

  • Sevend days of "frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 386-1 for cacti to patch an SQL injection vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 388-1 for dwarfutils fixing a NULL deference issue.
  • Issued DLA 391-1 for prosody correcting the use of a weak pseudo-random number generator.
  • Issued DLA 404-1 for nginx to prevent against an invalid pointer deference.


  • redis (2:3.0.7-1) — New upstream stable release, also ensure that test processes are cleaned up and replacing an existing reproducibility patch with a SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH solution.
  • python-django (1.9.1-1) — New upstream release.
  • disque (1.0~rc1-4) — Make the build reproducible via SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, ensure that test processes are cleaned up and that the nocheck flag is correctly honoured.
  • gunicorn (19.4.5-1) — New upstream release.
  • redis (2:3.2~rc3-1) — New upstream RC release (to experimental).

RC bugs

I also filed 100 FTBFS bugs against apache-log4j2, awscli, binutils, brian, ccbuild, coala, commons-beanutils, commons-vfs, composer, cyrus-sasl2, debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br, dfvfs, dillo, django-compat, dulwich, git-annex, grpc, hdf-eos5, hovercraft, ideviceinstaller, ircp-tray, isomd5sum, javamail, jhdf, jsonpickle, kivy, klog, libcloud, libcommons-jexl2-java, libdata-objectdriver-perl, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libpam-krb5, libproc-waitstat-perl, libslf4j-java, libvmime, linuxdcpp, lsh-utils, mailutils, mdp, menulibre, mercurial, mimeo, molds, mugshot, nose, obex-data-server, obexfs, obexftp, orafce, p4vasp, pa-test, pgespresso, pgpool2, pgsql-asn1oid, php-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-net-ldap2, plv8, pngtools, postgresql-mysql-fdw, pyfftw, pylint-common, pylint-django, pylint-django, python-ase, python-axiom, python-biopython, python-dcos, python-falcon, python-instagram, python-markdown, python-pysam, python-requests-toolbelt, python-ruffus, pytsk, pyviennacl, ros-class-loader, ros-ros-comm, ros-roscpp-core, roxterm, ruby-celluloid-extras, ruby-celluloid-fsm, ruby-celluloid-supervision, ruby-eye, ruby-net-scp, ruby-net-ssh, ruby-sidekiq, ruby-sidekiq-cron, ruby-sinatra-contrib, seaview, smc, spatial4j-0.4, swift-plugin-s3, tilecache, typecatcher, ucommon, undertaker, urdfdom, ussp-push, xserver-xorg-video-intel & yt.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 201 packages: abi-tracker, android-platform-build, android-platform-frameworks-native, android-platform-libcore, android-platform-system-core, animate.css, apitrace, argon2, autosize.js, bagel, betamax, bittorrent, bls-standalone, btfs, caja-dropbox, cegui-mk2, complexity, corebird, courier-authlib, cpopen, ctop, dh-haskell, django-python3-ldap, e2fsprogs1.41, emacs-async, epl, fast5, fastkml, flask-restful, flask-silk, gcc-6, gitlab, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc, golang-github-kr-fs, golang-github-pkg-sftp, golang-github-prometheus-common, google-auth-library-php, h5py, haskell-aeson-compat, haskell-userid, heroes, hugo, ioprocess, iptables, ivy-debian-helper, ivyplusplus, jquery-timer.js, klaus, kpatch, lazarus, libatteanx-store-sparql-perl, libbrowserlauncher-java, libcgi-test-perl, libdata-sah-normalize-perl, libfsntfs, libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus, libjung-free-java, libmongoc, libmygpo-qt, libnet-nessus-rest-perl, liborcus, libperinci-sub-util-propertymodule-perl, libpodofo, librep, libsodium, libx11-xcb-perl, linux, linux-grsec-base, list.js, lombok, lua-mediator, luajit, maven-script-interpreter, midicsv, mimeo, miniasm, mlpack, mom, mosquitto-auth-plugin, moxie.js, msgpuck, nanopolish, neovim, netcdf, network-manager-applet, network-manager-ssh, node-esprima-fb, node-mocks-http, node-schlock, nomacs, ns3, openalpr, openimageio, openmpi, openms, orafce, pbsim, pd-iemutils, pd-nusmuk, pd-puremapping, pd-purest-json, pg-partman, pg-rage-terminator, pgfincore, pgmemcache, pgsql-asn1oid, php-defaults, php-jwt, php-mf2, php-redis, pkg-info-el, plr, pnmixer, postgresql-multicorn, postgresql-mysql-fdw, powa-archivist, previsat, pylint-flask, pyotherside, python-caldav, python-cookies, python-dcos, python-flaky, python-flickrapi, python-frozendict, python-genty, python-git, python-greenlet, python-instagram, python-ironic-inspector-client, python-manilaclient, python-neutronclient, python-openstackclient, python-openstackdocstheme, python-prometheus-client, python-pymzml, python-pysolr, python-reno, python-requests-toolbelt, python-scales, python-socketio-client, qdox2, qgis, r-cran-biasedurn, rebar.js, repmgr, rfcdiff, rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar, ripe-atlas-cousteau, ripe-atlas-sagan, ripe-atlas-tools, ros-image-common, ruby-acts-as-list, ruby-allocations, ruby-appraiser, ruby-appraiser-reek, ruby-appraiser-rubocop, ruby-babosa, ruby-combustion, ruby-did-you-mean, ruby-fixwhich, ruby-fog-xenserver, ruby-hamster, ruby-jeweler, ruby-mime-types-data, ruby-monkey-lib, ruby-net-telnet, ruby-omniauth-azure-oauth2, ruby-omniauth-cas3, ruby-puppet-forge, ruby-racc, ruby-reek, ruby-rubinius-debugger, ruby-rubysl, ruby-rubysl-test-unit, ruby-sidekiq-cron, ruby-threach, ruby-wavefile, ruby-websocket-driver, ruby-xmlhash, rustc, s-nail, scrm, select2.js, senlin, skytools3, slurm-llnl, sphinx-argparse, sptk, sunpy, swauth, swift, tdiary, three.js, tiny-initramfs, tlsh, ublock-origin, vagrant-cachier, xapian-core, xmltooling, & yp-tools.

I additionally REJECTed 29 packages.

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