July 31st 2016

Free software activities in July 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):


  • Created a proof-of-concept wrapper for pymysql to reduce the diff between Ubuntu and Debian's packaging of python-django. (tree)
  • Improved the NEW queue HTML report to display absolute timestamps when placing the cursor over relative times as well as to tidy the underlying HTML generation.
  • Tidied and pushed for the adoption of a patch against dak to also send mails to the signer of an uploaded package on security-master. (#796784)


This month I have been paid to work 14 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:

  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Improved the bin/lts-cve-triage.py script to ignore packages that have been marked as unsupported.
  • Improved the bin/contact-maintainers script to print a nicer error message if you mistype the package name.
  • Issued the following advisories:
    • DLA 541-1 for libvirt making the password policy consistent across the QEMU and VNC backends with respect to empty passwords.
    • DLA 574-1 for graphicsmagick fixing two denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
    • DLA 548-1 and DLA 550-1 for drupal7 fixing an open HTTP redirect vulnerability and a privilege escalation issue respectfully.
    • DLA 557-1 for dietlibc removing the current directory from the current path.
    • DLA 577-1 for redis preventing the redis-cli tool creating world-readable history files.


  • redis:
    • 3.2.1-2 — Avoiding race conditions in upstream test suite.
    • 3.2.1-3 — Correcting world_readable ~/.rediscli_history files.
    • 3.2.1-4 — Preventing a race condition in the previous upload's patch.
    • 3.2.2-1 — New upstream release.
    • 3.2.1-4~bpo8+1 — Backport to jessie-backports.
  • strip-nondeterminism:
    • 0.020-1 — Improved the PNG handler to not blindly trust chunk sizes, rewriting most of the existing code.
    • 0.021-1 — Correcting a regression in the PNG handler where it would leave temporary files in the generated binaries.
    • 0.022-1 — Correcting a further regression in the PNG handler with respect to IEND chunk detection.
  • python-redis (2.10.5-1~bpo8+1) — Backport to jessie-backports.
  • reprotest (0.2) — Sponsored upload.

Patches contributed

I submitted patches to fix faulty initscripts in lm-sensors, rsync, sane-backends & vsftpd.

In addition, I submitted 7 patches to fix typos in debian/rules against cme:, gnugk: `incorrect reference to dh_install_init, php-sql-formatter, python-django-crispy-forms, libhook-lexwrap-perl, mknbi & ruby-unf-ext.

I also submitted 6 patches to fix reproducible toolchain issues (ie. ensuring the output is reproducible rather than the package itself) against libextutils-parsexs-perl: `Please make the output reproducible, perl, naturaldocs, python-docutils, ruby-ronn & txt2tags.

Lastly, I submitted 65 patches to fix specific reproducibility issues in amanda, boolector, borgbackup, cc1111, cfingerd, check-all-the-things, cobbler, ctop, cvs2svn, eb, eurephia, ezstream, feh, fonts-noto, fspy, ftplib, fvwm, gearmand, gngb, golang-github-miekg-pkcs11, gpick, gretl, hibernate, hmmer, hocr, idjc, ifmail, ironic, irsim, lacheck, libmemcached-libmemcached-perl, libmongoc, libwebsockets, minidlna, mknbi, nbc, neat, nfstrace, nmh, ntopng, pagekite, pavuk, proftpd-dfsg, pxlib, pysal, python-kinterbasdb, python-mkdocs, sa-exim, speech-tools, stressapptest, tcpflow, tcpreen, ui-auto, uisp, uswsusp, vtun, vtwm, why3, wit, wordgrinder, xloadimage, xmlcopyeditor, xorp, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome & yersinia.

RC bugs

I also filed 68 RC bugs for packages that access the internet during build against betamax, curl, django-localflavor, django-polymorphic, dnspython, docker-registry, elasticsearch-curator, elib.intl, elib.intl, elib.intl, fabulous, flask-restful, flask-restful, flask-restful, foolscap, gnucash-docs, golang-github-azure-go-autorest, golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang, golang-github-franela-goreq, golang-github-mesos-mesos-go, golang-github-shopify-sarama, golang-github-unknwon-com, golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonschema, htsjdk, lemonldap-ng, libanyevent-http-perl, libcommons-codec-java, libfurl-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-oai-perl, libhttp-proxy-perl, libpoe-component-client-http-perl, libuv, libuv1, licenseutils, licenseutils, licenseutils, musicbrainzngs, node-oauth, node-redis, nodejs, pycurl, pytest, python-aiohttp, python-asyncssh, python-future, python-guacamole, python-latexcodec, python-pysnmp4, python-qtawesome, python-simpy, python-social-auth, python-structlog, python-sunlight, python-webob, python-werkzeug, python-ws4py, testpath, traitlets, urlgrabber, varnish-modules, webtest & zurl.

Finally, I filed 100 FTBFS bugs against abind, backup-manager, boot, bzr-git, cfengine3, chron, cloud-sptheme, cookiecutter, date, django-uwsgi, djangorestframework, docker-swarm, ekg2, evil-el, fasianoptions, fassets, fastinfoset, fest-assert, fimport, ftrading, gdnsd, ghc-testsuite, golang-github-magiconair-properties, golang-github-mattn-go-shellwords, golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir, gplots, gregmisc, highlight.js, influxdb, jersey1, jflex, jhdf, kimwitu, libapache-htpasswd-perl, libconfig-model-itself-perl, libhtml-tidy-perl, liblinux-prctl-perl, libmoox-options-perl, libmousex-getopt-perl, libparanamer-java, librevenge, libvirt-python, license-reconcile, louie, mako, mate-indicator-applet, maven-compiler-plugin, mgt, mgt, mgt, misc3d, mnormt, nbd, ngetty, node-xmpp, nomad, perforate, pyoperators, pyqi, python-activipy, python-bioblend, python-cement, python-gevent, python-pydot-ng, python-requests-toolbelt, python-ruffus, python-scrapy, r-cran-digest, r-cran-getopt, r-cran-lpsolve, r-cran-rms, r-cran-timedate, resteasy, ruby-berkshelf-api-client, ruby-fog-libvirt, ruby-grape-msgpack, ruby-jquery-rails, ruby-kramdown-rfc2629, ruby-moneta, ruby-parser, ruby-puppet-forge, ruby-rbvmomi, ruby-redis-actionpack, ruby-unindent, ruby-web-console, scalapack-doc, scannotation, snow, sorl-thumbnail, svgwrite, systemd-docker, tiles-request, torcs, utf8proc, vagrant-libvirt, voms-api-java, wcwidth, xdffileio, xmlgraphics-commons & yorick.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 114 packages: apertium-isl-eng, apertium-mk-bg, apertium-urd-hin, apprecommender, auto-apt-proxy, beast-mcmc, caffe, caffe-contrib, debian-edu, dh-make-perl, django-notification, dpkg-cross, elisp-slime-nav, evil-el, fig2dev, file, flightgear-phi, friendly-recovery, fwupd, gcc-5-cross, gdbm, gnustep-gui, golang-github-cznic-lldb, golang-github-dghubble-sling, golang-github-docker-leadership, golang-github-rogpeppe-fastuuid, golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort, golang-glide, gtk+2.0, gtranscribe, kdepim4, kitchen, lepton, libcgi-github-webhook-perl, libcypher-parser, libimporter-perl, liblist-someutils-perl, liblouis, liblouisutdml, libneo4j-client, libosinfo, libsys-cpuaffinity-perl, libtest2-suite-perl, linux, linux-grsec, lua-basexx, lua-compat53, lua-fifo, lua-http, lua-lpeg-patterns, lua-mmdb, lua-openssl, mash, mysql-5.7, node-quickselect, nsntrace, nvidia-graphics-drivers, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx, openorienteering-mapper, oslo-sphinx, p4est, patator, petsc, php-mailparse, php-yaml, pykdtree, pypass, python-bioblend, python-cotyledon, python-jack-client, python-mido, python-openid-cla, python-os-api-ref, python-pydotplus, python-qtconsole, python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface, python-vispy, python-zenoss, r-cran-bbmle, r-cran-corpcor, r-cran-ellipse, r-cran-minpack.lm, r-cran-rglwidget, r-cran-rngtools, r-cran-scatterd3, r-cran-shinybs, r-cran-tibble, reproject, retext, ring, ruby-github-api, ruby-rails-assets-jquery-ui, ruby-swd, ruby-url-safe-base64, ruby-vmstat, ruby-webfinger, rustc, shadowsocks-libev, slepc, staticsite, steam, straight.plugin, svgwrite, tasksh, u-msgpack-python, ufo2otf, user-mode-linux, utf8proc, vizigrep, volk, wchartype, websockify & wireguard.

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