Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
- Updates to tickle-me-email, my Getting Things Done-inspired email toolbox:
- Added the ability to inject arbitrary headers into draft messages. (#5)
- Merged a documentation fix from Will Thompson. (#5)
- Improved my Chrome extension for the FastMail web interface:
- Updated my Strava Enhancement Suite, a Chrome extension that improves and fixes annoyances in the web interface of the Strava cycling and running tracker:
- Merge support from Jeff Schuler to support "Flyby" activity defaults. (#50)
- Correctly fallback to the default value after introducing a new value. (diff)
- Made a quick and dirty Kindle version of Derek Siver's book reviews. (repo)
- Improved my stravabot IRC bot to be more resilient on service failure. (diff)
- Performed a mass bug filing on behalf of the Python Modules Packaging Team against packages that fail to build against python-django 1.10~beta1, currently in the experimental suite.
- Started work on packaging lute-tab, but upstream was unwilling to relicense to a DFSG-friendly license so the enterprise was aborted.
- Updated the SSL certificate for, a hosted version of the diffoscope in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Thanks to Bytemark for sponsoring the hardware.
- Started on the slides for the Reproducible Builds talk at DebConf16.
My work in the Reproducible Builds project was covered in our weekly reports. (#58, #59 & #60)
Debian LTS
This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
- "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
- Extended the script to ignore packages that are not subject to Long Term Support.
- Issued DLA 512-1 for mantis fixing an XSS vulnerability.
- Issued DLA 513-1 for nspr correcting a buffer overflow in a sprintf utility.
- Issued DLA 515-1 for libav patching a memory corruption issue.
- Issued DLA 524-1 for squidguard fixing a reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability.
- Issued DLA 525-1 for gimp correcting a use-after-free vulnerability in the channel and layer properties parsing process.
- redis (2:3.2.1-1) — New upstream bugfix release, plus subsequent upload to the backports repository.
- python-django (1.10~beta1-1) — New upstream experimental release.
- libfiu (0.94-5) — Misc packaging updates.
Patches contributed
- python-debianbts: Please expose severity sorting dict
- binutils: Please make test failures cause a ftbfs
- mkdocs: Please make the output reproducible
- diffoscope: Please change "No differences found inside, yet data differs" message
- aghermann: Please make the build reproducible
- bind9: Please make the build reproducible
- cadencii: Please make the build reproducible
- cgoban: Please make the build reproducible
- cmtk: Please make the build (mostly) reproducible
- cnrun: Please make the build reproducible
- fastqtl: Please make the build reproducible
- frog: Please make the build reproducible
- gcin: Please make the build reproducible
- glances: Please make the build reproducible
- golang-gopkg-ini.v1: Please make the build reproducible
- grib-api: Please make the build reproducible
- gsmlib: Please make the build reproducible
- hmmer2: Please make the build reproducible
- icu4j: Please make the build reproducible
- libffado: Please make the build reproducible
- libxmlbird: Please make the build reproducible
- link-grammar: Please make the build reproducible
- magnum: Please make the build reproducible
- magnum: Please make the build reproducible
- pygoocanvas: Please make the build reproducible
- pyjwt: Please make the build reproducible
- python-openstackclient: Please make the build reproducible
- zeal: Please make the build reproducible
RC bugs
I also filed 170 FTBFS bugs against a7xpg, acepack, android-platform-dalvik, android-platform-frameworks-base, android-platform-system-extras, android-platform-tools-base, apache-directory-api, aplpy, appstream-generator, arc-gui-clients, assertj-core, astroml, bamf, breathe, buildbot, cached-property, calf, celery-haystack, charmtimetracker, clapack, cmake, commons-javaflow, dataquay, dbi, django-celery, django-celery-transactions, django-classy-tags, django-compat, django-countries, django-floppyforms, django-hijack, django-localflavor, django-markupfield, django-model-utils, django-nose, django-pipeline, django-polymorphic, django-recurrence, django-sekizai, django-sitetree, django-stronghold, django-taggit, dune-functions, elementtidy, epic4-help, fcopulae, fextremes, fnonlinear, foreign, fort77, fregression, gap-alnuth, gcin, gdb-avr, ggcov, git-repair, glance, gnome-twitch, gnustep-gui, golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-go-nat-pmp, golang-github-gosimple-slug, gprbuild, grafana, grantlee5, graphite-api, guacamole-server, ido, jless, jodreports, jreen, kdeedu-data, kdewebdev, kwalify, libarray-refelem-perl, libdbusmenu, libdebian-package-html-perl, libdevice-modem-perl, libindicator, liblrdf, libmail-milter-perl, libopenraw, libvisca, linuxdcpp, lme4, marble, mgcv, mini-buildd, mu-cade, mvtnorm, nose, octave-epstk, onioncircuits, opencolorio, parsec47, phantomjs, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, pjproject, pokerth, prayer, pyevolve, pyinfra, python-asdf, python-ceilometermiddleware, python-django-bootstrap-form, python-django-compressor, python-django-contact-form, python-django-debug-toolbar, python-django-extensions, python-django-feincms, python-django-formtools, python-django-jsonfield, python-django-mptt, python-django-openstack-auth, python-django-pyscss, python-django-registration, python-django-tagging, python-django-treebeard, python-geopandas, python-hdf5storage, python-hypothesis, python-jingo, python-libarchive-c, python-mhash, python-oauth2client, python-proliantutils, python-pytc, python-restless, python-tidylib, python-websockets, pyvows, qct, qgo, qmidinet, quodlibet, r-cran-gss, r-cran-runit, r-cran-sn, r-cran-stabledist, r-cran-xml, rgl, rglpk, rkt, rodbc, ruby-devise-two-factor, ruby-json-schema, ruby-puppet-syntax, ruby-rspec-puppet, ruby-state-machine, ruby-xmlparser, ryu, sbd, scanlogd, signond, slpvm, sogo, sphinx-argparse, squirrel3, sugar-jukebox-activity, sugar-log-activity, systemd, tiles, tkrplot, twill, ucommon, urca, v4l-utils, view3dscene, xqilla, youtube-dl & zope.interface.
FTP Team
As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 186 packages: akonadi4, alljoyn-core-1509, alljoyn-core-1604, alljoyn-gateway-1504, alljoyn-services-1504, alljoyn-services-1509, alljoyn-thin-client-1504, alljoyn-thin-client-1509, alljoyn-thin-client-1604, apertium-arg, apertium-arg-cat, apertium-eo-fr, apertium-es-it, apertium-eu-en, apertium-hbs, apertium-hin, apertium-isl, apertium-kaz, apertium-spa, apertium-spa-arg, apertium-tat, apertium-urd, arc-theme, argus-clients, ariba, beast-mcmc, binwalk, bottleneck, colorfultabs, dh-runit, django-modeltranslation, dq, dublin-traceroute, duktape, edk2, emacs-pdf-tools, eris, erlang-p1-oauth2, erlang-p1-sqlite3, erlang-p1-xmlrpc, faba-icon-theme, firefox-branding-iceweasel, golang-1.6, golang-defaults, golang-github-aelsabbahy-gonetstat, golang-github-howeyc-gopass, golang-github-oleiade-reflections, golang-websocket, google-android-m2repository-installer, googler, goto-chg-el, gr-radar, growl-for-linux, guvcview, haskell-open-browser, ipe, labplot, libalt-alien-ffi-system-perl, libanyevent-fcgi-perl, libcds-savot-java, libclass-ehierarchy-perl, libconfig-properties-perl, libffi-checklib-perl, libffi-platypus-perl, libhtml-element-library-perl, liblwp-authen-oauth2-perl, libmediawiki-dumpfile-perl, libmessage-passing-zeromq-perl, libmoosex-types-portnumber-perl, libmpack, libnet-ip-xs-perl, libperl-osnames-perl, libpodofo, libprogress-any-perl, libqtpas, librdkafka, libreoffice, libretro-beetle-pce-fast, libretro-beetle-psx, libretro-beetle-vb, libretro-beetle-wswan, libretro-bsnes-mercury, libretro-mupen64plus, libservicelog, libtemplate-plugin-datetime-perl, libtext-metaphone-perl, libtins, libzmq-ffi-perl, licensecheck, link-grammar, linux, linux-signed, lua-busted, magics++, mkalias, moka-icon-theme, neutron-vpnaas, newlisp, node-absolute-path, node-ejs, node-errs, node-has-flag, node-lodash-compat, node-strip-ansi, numba, numix-icon-theme, nvidia-graphics-drivers, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx, obs-studio, opencv, pacapt, pgbackrest, postgis, powermock, primer3, profile-sync-daemon, pyeapi, pypandoc, pyssim, python-cutadapt, python-cymruwhois, python-fisx, python-formencode, python-hkdf, python-model-mommy, python-nanomsg, python-offtrac, python-social-auth, python-twiggy, python-vagrant, python-watcherclient, python-xkcd, pywps, r-bioc-deseq2, r-bioc-dnacopy, r-bioc-ensembldb, r-bioc-geneplotter, r-cran-adegenet, r-cran-adephylo, r-cran-distory, r-cran-fields, r-cran-future, r-cran-globals, r-cran-htmlwidgets, r-cran-listenv, r-cran-mlbench, r-cran-mlmrev, r-cran-pheatmap, r-cran-pscbs, r-cran-r.cache, refind, relatorio, reprotest, ring, ros-ros-comm, ruby-acts-as-tree, ruby-chronic-duration, ruby-flot-rails, ruby-numerizer, ruby-u2f, selenium-firefoxdriver, simgrid, skiboot, smtpping, snap-confine, snapd, sniffles, sollya, spin, subuser, superlu, swauth, swift-plugin-s3, syncthing, systemd-bootchart, tdiary-theme, texttable, tidy-html5, toxiproxy, twinkle, vmtk, wait-for-it, watcher, wcslib & xapian-core.