Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
- Various improvements to django-slack, a library to easily post messages to the Slack group-messaging utility from projects using the Django web development framework:
- Added explicit support to send messages asynchronously via the Celery distributed task queue. (#29)
- Worked with Patrick Clope to add an escapeslack template filter to ensure the correct characters for Slack's API are escaped — using Django's built-in safe is too invasive. (#36)
- Corrected an issue where custom endpoints and channel names were incompatible. (#27)
- Overhaul of the field/option/block parsing. (49ff3c4)
- Moved away from using a django.template.Context instance, preventing a deprecation warning. (#31)
- Added a create-folders subcommand to my tickle-me-email Getting Things Done (GTD) email toolbox to create numbered folders for the rotate "tickler" functionality. (#3)
- Wrote and released a Django template tag to collapse multiple whitespace/newline characters in order to correctly format, for example, plaintext emails that make extensive use of for-loops. These would normally require careful and fragile placement of the {% for .. %} and {% endfor %} tags. (Repo)
- Pushed a number of updates to my Strava Enhancement Suite, a Chrome extension that improves and fixes annoyances in the web interface of the Strava cycling and running tracker:
- Added a security-oriented warning to Ansible's documentation regarding the behaviour if an UFW firewall application profile is added and subsequently removed. (#1740)
- Added support to my django-staticfiles-dotd "staticfiles" library — which concatenates Javascript and CSS files from .d-style directories — to support an arbitrary file rendering method. This allows the use of media pre-processors such as SASS within such directories. (#1)
- Corrected my Chrome extension for the FastMail web interface to correctly hook into the internal "send" mechanism. (#2)
- Moved my stravabot IRC bot to use dh-virtualenv and systemd, improving security and reliability. (1c48709)
- Updated django-pedantic-http-methods — a tool to raise an exception during development when attempting to perform side effects in GET and HEAD HTTP methods — to support the latest version of Django. (#1)
- Updated — a hosted script to easily test and build Debian packages on the Travis CI continuous integration platform — to support:
- Automatic bumping of the version number in debian/changelog based on TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER. (#14)
- Security repositories. Thanks to Stefan Jenkner for the initial pull request. These are additionally now enabled by default. (#15)
- The backports repositories. (#13)
- Applied #812830 and #812830 from James Clark to the Debian Archive Kit to improve the interface of various webpages it generates.
- Updated the SSL certificate for, a hosted version of the diffoscope in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Thanks to Bytemark for sponsoring the hardware.
- Worked on my slides for Reproducible Builds - fulfilling the original promise of free software, to be presented at FOSSASIA '16.
My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in more depth in Lunar's weekly reports (#40, #41, #42, #43)
This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
- "Frontdesk" duty for the week of 22nd—28th, triaging CVEs, etc.
- Proofread announcements, etc. for the upcoming migration to wheezy-lts.
- Issued DLA 417-1 for xdelta3 to fix a buffer overflow that allowed arbitrary code execution from input files.
- Issued DLA 420-1 for libmatroska, correcting a heap information leak.
- Issued DLA 428-1 for websvn fixing a cross-site scripting vulnerability.
- Issued DLA 429-1 for pixman fixing a buffer overflow issue.
- Issued DLA 430-1 & DLA 431-1 for libfcgi and libfcgi-perl respectfully, fixing a remote denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability.
- redis (2:3.0.7-2) — Correcting my SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH reproducibility patch as the conditional was accidentally inverted. Thanks to Reiner Herrmann (deki).
- disque (1.0~rc1-5) — Making the parallel SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH patch change and additionally tidying the packaging after introducing procps as a build-dependency.
Patches/bugs contributed
- aspell-sk: Please make the build reproducible
- rocksdb: Please make the build reproducible
- salmon: Please make the build reproducible
- htop: new upstream 2.0 release
RC bugs
- libwnck: missing dependency on libxres-dev
I also filed 137 FTBFS bugs against aac-tactics, angular.js, astyle, bcftools, blacs-mpi, bogofilter, boxes, caldav-tester, ccdproc, ckeditor, coq-float, cqrlog, dasher, django-recurrence, dspdfviewer, eclipse-egit, ess, etcd, felix-latin, fio, flexml, funny-manpages, gap-atlasrep, garmin-plugin, gitlab, gnome-mines, graphicsmagick, haskell-nettle, healpy, hg-git, hunspell, hwloc, ijs, ipset, janest-core-extended, jpathwatch, kcompletion, kcompletion, keyrings.alt, kodi-pvr-hts, kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi, libcommons-compress-java, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libkate, liblrdf, libm4ri, libnet-server-mail-perl, libsis-jhdf5-java, libspectre, libteam, libwnck, libwnckmm, libxkbcommon, lombok, lombok-patcher, mako, maven-dependency-analyzer, mopidy-mpris, mricron, multcomp, netty-3.9, numexpr, ocaml-textutils, openimageio, openttd-openmsx, osmcoastline, osmium-tool, php-guzzle, php-net-smartirc, plexus-component-metadata, polari, profitbricks-client, pyentropy, pynn, pyorbital, pypuppetdb, python-aioeventlet, python-certifi, python-hglib, python-kdcproxy, python-matplotlib-venn, python-mne, python-mpop, python-multipletau, python-pbh5tools, python-positional, python-pydot-ng, python-pysam, python-snuggs, python-tasklib, r-cran-arm, r-cran-httpuv, r-cran-tm, rjava, ros-geometry-experimental, ros-image-common, ros-pluginlib, ros-ros-comm, rows, rr, ruby-albino, ruby-awesome-print, ruby-default-value-for, ruby-fast-gettext, ruby-github-linguist, ruby-gruff, ruby-hipchat, ruby-omniauth-crowd, ruby-packetfu, ruby-termios, ruby-thinking-sphinx, ruby-tinder, ruby-versionomy, ruby-zentest, sbsigntool, scikit-learn, scolasync, sdl-image1.2, signon-ui, sisu-guice, sofa-framework, spykeutils, ssreflect, sunpy, tomcat-maven-plugin, topmenu-gtk, trocla, trocla, tzdata, verbiste, wcsaxes, whitedune, wikidiff2, wmaker, xmlbeans, xserver-xorg-input-aiptek & zeroc-icee-java.
FTP Team
As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 107 packages: androguard, android-platform-dalvik, android-platform-development, android-platform-frameworks-base, android-platform-frameworks-native, android-platform-libnativehelper, android-platform-system-core, android-platform-system-extras, android-platform-tools-base, android-sdk-meta, apktool, armci-mpi, assertj-core, bart, bind9, caja, caldav-tester, clamav, class.js, diamond, diffoscope, django-webpack-loader, djangocms-admin-style, dnsvi, esptool, fuel-astute, gcc-6-cross, gcc-6-cross-ports, gdal, giella-core, gnupg, golang-github-go-ini-ini, golang-github-tarm-serial, gplaycli, gradle-jflex-plugin, haskell-mountpoints, haskell-simple, hurd, iceweasel, insubstantial, intellij-annotations, jetty9, juce, keyrings.alt, leptonlib, libclamunrar, libdate-pregnancy-perl, libgpg-error, libhtml5parser-java, libica, libvoikko, linux, llvm-toolchain-3.8, lombok-patcher, mate-dock-applet, mate-polkit, mono-reference-assemblies, mxt-app, node-abab, node-array-equal, node-array-flatten, node-array-unique, node-bufferjs, node-cors, node-deep-extend, node-original, node-setimmediate, node-simplesmtp, node-uglify-save-license, node-unpipe, oar, openjdk-8, openjdk-9, pg8000, phantomjs, php-defaults, php-random-compat, php-symfony-polyfill, pnetcdf, postgresql-debversion, pulseaudio-dlna, pyconfigure, pyomo, pysatellites, python-fuelclient, python-m3u8, python-pbh5tools, python-qtpy, python-shellescape, python-tunigo, pyutilib, qhull, r-cran-rjsonio, r-cran-tm, reapr, ruby-fog-dynect, scummvm-tools, symfony, talloc, tesseract, twextpy, unattended-upgrades, uwsgi, vim-command-t, win-iconv, xkcdpass & xserver-xorg-video-ast.
I additionally REJECTed 4 packages.